America Is Waking Up - Health Revolution

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Although we are a wealthy nation, we are poverty-stricken when it comes to our health. Compared with other developed and many developing nations, the United States continues to rank at or near the bottom in indicators of mortality and life expectancy. While our health statistics show that our health is in serious decline, the amount paid for healthcare far exceeds other countries in per capita health spending.

We are facing an epidemic of chronic diseases. There are now 133 million Americans ā€“ 45% of the population ā€“ that have at least one chronic disease.

Seven out of every 10 deaths are due to chronic illnesses. That means 1.7 million people die annually from some type of chronic condition.

Future predictions tell us that by 2025, nearly half of the entire population of the US, 164 million people, will be diagnosed with a chronic disease.

Relying on the traditional medical approach is failing us. At best, pharmaceutical interventions may reduce symptoms. But they are always accompanied by a plethora of side effects, which adds to more complications.

Pharmaceutical drugs never really heal the body. They never get to the root cause of the illness, nor do they resolve the underlying imbalance. And chances are their side effects will contribute to even more serious health problems.

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The health transformation that is now happening is really a wake-up call. We are arriving at the realization that the solutions we are seeking to our health problems are not found in the labs of major pharmaceutical companies but rather in nature. Itā€™s not about

Nature is the source of the healing energy that allows us to truly align with health and optimal wellness. For thousands of years and throughout the world, nature has worked her magic through plants. There is a huge repository of knowledge pertaining to the therapeutic use of medicinal plants.

Through the advancement of science, recent discoveries have unlocked the healing secret of one particular ancient medicinal plant.

The hemp plant, cannabis sativa, has powerful healing, non- psychoactive constituents, known as cannabinoids or Hemp Extract, that are capable of restoring balance and harmony throughout the body without any known side effects. It was discovered that this amazing plant is able to restore the body to inner balance, or homeostasis, through a newly discovered system in the body called the endocannabinoid system.

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Frank Davis,
Founder and CEO of Optivida Health


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