Basic Essentials Bakker's Dozen

Basic Essentials Bakker's Dozen

$424.95 Sale Save

Basic Essentials Baker's Dozen: Your Ultimate Nutritional Reserve

Introducing the Basic Essentials Baker's Dozen, a robust bundle designed for the ultimate health enthusiast or anyone committed to maintaining optimal wellness year-round. This exceptional offer includes thirteen bottles of our highly acclaimed Basic Essentials supplement, ensuring you and your loved ones remain well-stocked with essential nutrients that support overall health, digestion, and immune function.

What's in the Bundle?

With the Basic Essentials Baker's Dozen, you're not just buying supplements; you're investing in a comprehensive nutritional foundation for the long term. Each bottle in this bundle is packed with a potent blend of natural ingredients, carefully selected for their health benefits and bioavailability:

  • Potent and Natural Ingredients: Enjoy the benefits of Organic Goji Juice Powder, Organic Grape Juice Powder, Organic Amla Fruit Powder, Organic Sea Buckthorn Juice Powder, and Organic Maqui. These superfoods are chosen for their exceptional antioxidant properties, vision and heart health benefits, immune support capabilities, and overall contribution to a robust, healthy body.

  • Optimized Absorption: Our formula includes essential plant enzymes and probiotics, ensuring that every nutrient is not only absorbed but also effectively utilized by your body, promoting optimal digestion and nutrient uptake.

  • Expert Endorsement: Developed with the insight of a certified nutritionist and backed by the recommendation of registered dietitians and medical doctors, Basic Essentials is a testament to our commitment to quality and efficacy. This all-vegetarian, whole-food-based formula is meticulously researched to provide a safe, reliable source of nutrition.

  • Convenient and Versatile: Designed for those who prefer the straightforwardness and convenience of capsule form, Basic Essentials is perfect for busy individuals, providing a broad range of nutritional support without the fuss.

Why Choose the Basic Essentials Baker's Dozen?

The Basic Essentials Baker's Dozen is more than just a bundle; it's a commitment to your and your family's health. With thirteen bottles, you are assured of a continuous supply of high-quality nutritional support, making it easier to maintain a consistent health and wellness routine. This bundle is ideal for anyone looking to:

  • Secure their nutritional intake with a reliable, high-quality supplement.
  • Enjoy the convenience of having a substantial supply on hand, reducing the frequency of reorders.
  • Support their overall health with a blend of potent, natural ingredients and optimized absorption for maximum benefit.

Take advantage of the Basic Essentials Baker's Dozen today and set a solid foundation for your health and wellness journey. With this bundle, you're not just covering your nutritional bases—you're ensuring that you and your loved ones have the support needed to thrive.

Optidri technology

This patented technology is the foundation of our supplements. It's the only technology capable of drying whole foods in their entirety without losing any flavor, color, or nutrients.

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Optisorb technology

This patented processes encapsulates the hemp oil to ensures that 85% of our hemp is absorbed into the body. Meaning that our hemp is 17x more effective when compared to other products.

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